What Would I Do if Trader Joe's Banned Me?

I went to Trader Joe's today just like I do practically every other day of the week. I am there and at Target so often that I am just waiting for the sign to be erected that says THE HOUSE THAT BONNIE BUILT. So it's just another ordinary milk buying trip to TJs. I get to the cash register and reach in my purse and yep—you guessed it—I forgot my wallet. Embarrassment. But then I figured they must see this at least twice a day. Harried looking mom, hasn't brushed her hair in days, forgets her wallet. It's a bummer that I can't just say "Put it on my account". Ah, the good old days.After our debacle of a grocery shopping trip Ben and I headed over to my friend Jessie's to hang out with her and her son. The boys played and hit each other with blocks while we looked on and discussed their behavior. Then we swapped stories to decide who had the more slovenly housekeeping habits and therefore who had a filthier kid. I must admit that this discussion made me give Ben a bath tonight. I was leaning on the side of laziness, but after that conversation, cleaning was a must. We never did decide who was messier, but that's just because Jessie is nice and didn't want to say what we all know—that I am WORLD CHAMPION BAD HOUSEKEEPER. So now Ben is clean and in bed. Josh is out of town. And I am going to make a cocktail.