Cabin Fever

It was so nice to be OUT of the house today for a change. It was a beautiful Fall day today (or as close as California gets to Fall). Ben and I made our Saturday trek on the bike to Cafe Fanny where he proceeded to charm the pants off everyone. We sat outside and drank caoffe and ate eggs (okay, just I drank coffee). Then we got back on the bike and rode to the Y with my friend Camille and Ben's friend Theo (who happens to be Camille's son--didn't that work out nicely?). Today was the first day I tried Childwatch at the Y and I was a little worried that Ben would freak. Normally I wouldn't be, but this morning he decided it would be fun to pretend to be a clingy baby. Ironically, Ben did fine and Theo have a tough go.Camille and I went to a yoga class. You never know how unflexible you are until you go to yoga. About halfway through the class I was trying to telepathically send Ben messages to become inconsolable therefore forcing the childcare worker to come and get me out of class. No such luck. For once Ben's crying could have been a GOOD thing. But did he oblige me? Noooo. Then we took the boys to the farmer's market around the corner. You gotta love Berkeley. That's why we have to write the huge cost of living checks, but it sure is perty. After we came home Ben and Josh went on their own adventure. And guess what I did? Yep. I napped. You're shocked, aren't you? Josh took Ben to Habitot (local children's museum) where some kid was haing a birthday party. The mom very kindly gave Ben a goodie bag full of candy which I will, of course, devour tonight. Bad mommy.