Chocolate Mommy

We took Sam and Ben to Maria's Tacos today and I was so bummed that I didn't bring my camera because it was such a colorful place. After lunch I took Sam to the car to nurse him and I saw some brown on his onesie. At first I thought it was poop, but it was brown and as we all know breast feeding poop is not brown. So here I am disgusted, thinking there is poop on my child. Then I realize that it is chocolate that I must have smeared onto him while I was inhaling Whole Foods truffles last night. They were organic truffles too. Because when I am bingeing I like to know that the organic goodness will make me live longer, or at the very least drain my bank account faster. So not only does my poor baby have chocolate on him, that he didn't even get to consume himself, but then I realize that it is MELTING on his neck in the hot sun. Bad, bad mommy.