On My Mind #5

I have REALLY enjoyed and been pleasantly surprised by the comments I have been getting in this series thus far. There are so many good things about social media communities. I fell like I just need to learn how to keep the good and not throw the baby out with the bath water. This series is helping me accomplish this thanks to you all. This is yet another post about the internet. I know, I know. I am beginning to sound like a broken record. But so many things rattle around in my brain that never leave it. I spend so much of my time alone and my dogs just don't quite cut it as conversationalists.

I have been thinking a great deal about how much life has changed since I was a child. My kids have such a different kind of childhood than I did. I admit I watched a ton of television as a kid, but I also spent a great deal of time in my head and using my imagination. I do not see that as much with my kids and it worries me. It makes me worry for them. But I have to remind myself that change does not necessarily mean a bad thing.

My boys LOVE anything on a screen—television, ipads, iphones, video games, computers. You name it. Josh is just like them. And I like good television and movies, but I am primarily a book person. When Josh plays video games or is on the computer that is fine with me. He is an intelligent adult who can pick his entertainment as he chooses. I get the escapism of video games etc. But even though the boys love books, I still worry that we are too permissive with the screen time. Every time I attempt to impose limits it fails pretty badly. Part of the problem is that my life is easier when they are captivated by the screens because I can get stuff done.

Another part of the problem is that Josh and I are homebodies. We are not the type to be out of the house, out on the town, running around. Often I wish we were, but we are not. And the boys have followed suit. Whether because of nature or nurture, I do not know why, but they LOVE to be at home like we do. So it is a challenge to get them out.

I realize that these are things all parents struggle with. If you have had success in this area, please share your solution. Maybe I or someone else can benefit from your ideas. Also check out Common Sense Media as a resource for information. I have found them to be helpful.