The Hypocritical Gourmet

I have bad eating habits. When I got pregnant with Ben I swore that I would change my ways. Then I got bad morning sickness and ate Taco Bell's bean burritos because they were all I could keep down. So I told myself that once Ben was born I would reform. But I didn't. I continued on my path to self destruction while I made Ben homemade, organic baby food. I told myself that HE would eat better. And he has and so far it has been relatively easy. I would feed him healthy food while I scarfed down a piece of pizza. But now we have hit a bump in the road. He wants what I have so now I am hiding food from him. It's like being back at my parents' house when I would sneak downstairs to get a bowl of ice cream and covertly carry it off to my bedroom.Often I have the dilemna of not giving him a sip of my coffee frappuccino and hearing him scream all the way down the highway or giving him some and have relative peace in the car. Some of you will say that I should just have some willpower and be a good example to my sons. And you would be right. But at 10:00 after a long, hard day I don't care and I just want to snuggle up to Mr. Ben and Mr. Jerry. So in 2008 I will once again try to eat better and exercise more. And maybe, just maybe, I will make it until January seventh.