Herding Cats

This title could definitely describe just about every area of my life right now. It definitely denotes what it is like to try to walk ANYWHERE with Ben. He and I went to Fourth Street on Sunday and he just walked in circles. And he doesn't want to be carried and he doesn't want to be led. So needless to say, we don't go far. The snails were passing us.I have so much work right now that I can't see straight. How do people work all the time? I don't get it. Granted I DO use the pseudonym lazygirl, which gives you a hint as to my energy level. But still. I hate sitting in front of this box for hours at a time thinking, "Someday I will be in the ground and none of this will matter". Who am I kidding? I design ephemera. Who will care about this TOMORROW? Not that I should complain because I actually like what I do and I went through YEARS of HATING working. Sunday nights where I would feel physically ill at the thought of the brain crushing job I had to go to the next day. Thank God those days are over. And don't you just love the days you come home and mixed in with all of the bills are a magazine you can zone out with? Today I had a mag AND the newest East Village Inky. Oh the abundance. Okay, now I am officially rambling...