What a Day

Tuesdays I am home with Ben. All day. I love him to death, but it is exhausting. We set out this morning with Lula to take her to the vet. This passes as an 'outing' for Lula these days. Sad, but true. We get to the vet's office and I manage to get in the door with one hand holding Ben's, one hand holding Lula's leash and my mythical third hand holding my travel mug of coffee. We get settled and then all of a sudden the coffee is all over the floor and the wall. So I am going to the restroom to grab paper towels while Lula is lapping up the coffee and Ben is jumping up and down on the benches in the waiting room. Needless to say I had one of those "I want to physically disappear right now" moments. All I knew is that if this was an indication of the tenor of my whole day, I was screwed.