Knocked on My Ass

My periods used to be pretty benign. I was lucky enough not to experience bad cramps or big mood swings. It was more of a nuisance than anything else. But the last one was a doozy. I literally couldn't get out of bed most of the weekend because I was so depressed. And I subsisted primarily on chocolate and ice cream. I know it sounds decadent and hedonistic, but trust me, it wasn't. Luckily, Josh was here to pick up the slack. He was travelling on business all of last week and all of this week. It has been exhausting pretending to be a single parent. Once again, I don't know how anyone does it. That whole song in 'Oliver' about "I can do anything better than you..." That's not my motto. Mine is more like "You can do anything better than me..I'm going back to bed".