Meaningful Moments | Texas Family Photographer

I often read photographer's writing about how much they love their clients and how much they love their jobs. To be honest I take it with a grain of salt. I am not a gusher. I am not even an optimist. I read once somewhere that someone described themselves as being a 'glass half empty, but hoping for a refill' kind of person. That is me to a T. So when I type here that I feel lucky, I mean it wholeheartedly. I have had some terrible jobs. Jobs where I felt sick every Sunday night before the working week began again. And I have had some great jobs too. But I have never had a job as intimate as the one I have now. I walk into people's homes and I document their lives and they let me into their homes and their hearts if only for a day, but more often for longer. Many of my clients become my dear friends.

Sometimes I feel like I do a good job, that I have earned my paycheck. Other days not as much. My clients may be happy, but I am always trying to push myself farther, to get closer to the beautiful truth. I had two sessions recently that felt magical. The first was with fellow Austin photographer Michele Anderson. I had never met Michele before and as soon as I met her and her family I knew that they were special. Her boys were waiting out front for me and couldn't wait to show me their rooms. We took pictures, baked cookies and it was lovely. And they were REAL. Here is a shot of Michele with her oldest son.

Two days later I was in Houston photographing Don and Judy and their baby boy. I had met Judy at Tal and Jenna's son's bris in Austin and liked her immediately. So I was excited to meet her husband and their dog and see their home. And we had such a great time. After the session we went to a great Vietnamese place and ate and laughed and talked for hours. And my only disappointment was that they don't live closer to me.

It is interesting that both of the photos I posted here are photos of the mothers and their sons. That was not intentional. I just picked shots that spoke to me about connection. I often think that what I am ultimately looking for is a combination of a mirror and a dream. A dream that will recreate the past in a more beautiful and peaceful version than its reality counterpart and a mirror to see myself and my own relationships reflected back to me. I am not really sure of the exact thing I am striving for. But I know that I am grateful for the people I meet and the connections that I am making along the way. And that I learn more from these people than they could ever know. So thank you to all of my clients and friends and family who allow me to photograph them and who add so much to my life.