Home for the Holidays

The holidays have become something to survive rather than relish. The other night when were at Chanukkah dinner the children were SO excited to open their presents. I had forgotten how great it is to be a child on such a day. Ben is still at the age where he thought the best present was the discarded wrapping paper.I always swore that we would not be one of those families with ten million toys lying around the house. Yeah right. It looks like a nursery school here. And we're just plain running out of room. So many friends have generously given us their kids' toys and I never feel like I can turn anything down because it's FREE and we can sure use free. The holidays are so stressful because I always wish that I could get something nice for my parents and grandparents, but it's just not possible. I am just too poor. And before you tell me I should make them something, my family will kill me if I give ONE MORE HOMEMADE GIFT. I got away with it when I was still in art school, but now there's just no damned excuse except that I AM A LOSER. All the people in Berkeley left town and all that was left were their animals and we are feeding ALL OF THEM. Foxy is a Chow/German shepherd mix who belongs to my friend Brianna. She is staying for us for 2 weeks while her mom is in Norway. Foxy is a sweet dog who is also a bit skittish. When she arrived here she seemed to think she had entered the seventh circle of hell. Not only are there 2 obnoxious dogs that already live here, but there is a BABY. And not just any baby but one that makes NOISE constantly. So Foxy spent the first week cowering under a table in the living room. She has finally ventured out a bit, but is easily scared back into her hiding place. Benny started playing with his maracas and Foxy thought the bombs were dropping. Then there's Akuma. Akuma is our friends' cat. Every time I go over to feed him, he is waiting at the gate, meowing angrily at me as if I were a negligent waiter. No wonder the tips suck.