The Flake

Okay. Now I've really done it. I had only one errand to run today. I needed to go to HEB and buy carpet cleaner because I woke up to doggie diarrhea ALL OVER THE FLOOR in the toy room. That's it! I am getting new floors if I have to sell myself on the streets. And we all know how scary THAT would be.So I leave to go to the store at noon, totally forgetting that my friend Tanya was coming by around noon today to pick something up. "Leave it at the door" she says. I figure, no, I want to see her. So what do I do? I don't leave it at the door AND I leave the house right when she is supposed to come over. For those of you who didn't know me in California I SWEAR I used to be organized, prompt, conscientious, all sorts of good things. And then I had children. I know, I know. Everyone uses their children to excuse the things they do. But I really used to have a good game. And I don't know if it's having kids and/or turning 40, but I see huge doses of Ginkgo Biloba in my future. I have been an oh so bad blogger lately and I have so much I want to post. I hope to catch up very soon, so stay tuned.