Hate Is Everywhere

I was catching up on my dooce reading today (while I am supposed to be WORKING) and came across an old hatemail posting of Heather's which I think is relevant to this site and damned funny so here it is:

If I have to see another “Mom says something witty to their kid” journal, I’ll probably hit myself in the stomach until I vomit my Capri Sun and ranch-flavored rice cakes all over my monitor. Hookers are a dime a dozen, but mommy attention whore sites are a penny a truck load. You could do the world a favor and delete your site to make room for more interesting mommy blogs such as: www.ibeatmykidswithaspoon.com or www.trainingmykidsforslavelabor.net or even www.whogivesashitaboutmykidsexceptme.cc. It might sound horrible, but much like the body of a motorcyclist wrapped around a telephone pole after he hit it at 90MPH, you just can’t help but stop and appreciate it. In closing, please get off the Internet.

What I love is that people hate blogs and rather than click away feel COMPELLED to pass on THEIR hate and opinion (and you know what they say about opinions and assholes—everybody's got one and they think everybody else's stinks). You can see the whole post here. I now need to change my url to www.whogivesashitaboutmykidsexceptme.com or else I have to get off the internet now. Bye bye now.