Off to a Spectacular Start

Josh left this morning for NY on a business trip. He will be gone until Friday. Yep. FRIDAY. I am DYING. I am THIS close to standing on a street corner with a sign that says 2 KIDS FOR FREE. Not only did my day sitter cancel AGAIN but I had been looking forward to a photographer's gathering I was scheduled to go to this evening that I had to cancel. Ugh! And now both kids are crying simultaneously. I don't know how people with twins do it. You get one down and the other pops up. I feel like all I do is change diapers and feed people. Between the kids and the dogs I smell poop all the time whether it's there or not.The worst thing is that when Josh finally returns from these business trips he is of course tired and spent, but as soon as he re-enters the house I RUN out the door and leave the kids behind. He might as well have been in Acapulco sunning himself as far as I am concerned. The poor guy called tonight and I was still so bitter from not being able to have my evening among professional adults that I could barely utter a kind word. He was telling me about his family dinner that night (his trip is to NY where his family lives) and I treated him like he was off to Paris with his mistress while I was stuck at home with the kids while we were starving and without electricity and water. Oh how COULD he? The NERVE of some people?!