The Urinal

All I smell all day is pee and poop. Even if it is nowhere in sight, the olfactory memory lingers in my nostrils. Not only do I have two children to clean up after but two dogs as well. Lula is pretty low maintenance. She poops in the backyard and I never clean it up. Tucker however is STILL marking all over the house. To say it is irksome is an understatement. If I only had $10 for every time I have stepped into dog pee with my bare foot. Not the most pleasant sensation.The research I have done has all pointed to the cure for marking being daily walks and constant supervision in order to catch him in the act. Great. Just what I need. ANOTHER living thing that I need to CONSTANTLY supervise. Who am I kidding? Better buy stock in Nature's Miracle. Something tells me consumption of this product is going to go way up.