A Typical Morning

I take Sam to school every morning and Josh takes Ben. Part of my morning routine is to hang out with the kids in his class for a little bit every morning. They are all just so darn cute and they love it when I take their photo. Plus it always puts my life into perspective. Like this morning when I was pretty proud of myself for having showered and put on not only clean clothes, but clothes that were not sweatpants. So I sat down on the playground with my cup of coffee, enjoying the sunshine when the button of my pants popped off (always a bad feeling) and then out of the blue a little boy named Alex ran towards me and gave me a big hug. It was a nice feeling. Then they all started coming to me one at a time for a hug. Pure sweetness. Suddenly Lillia was standing before me, her hair and hands covered in shaving cream and glitter. And I had to pause. Do I ruin this clean outfit and possibly hurt Lillia's feelings or do I say screw the clothes and give her a bear hug? Of course I gave her a big hug. And then Alex came running at me again and the coffee (luckily no longer hot) spilled all over both of us. Isn't that just the best metaphor for my life? So here is one morning's journey from home to school and who we found there. Bookmark and Share