Bleak House

A plague on both my houses (okay I only have one but the plural has a better literary ring). It is a house of horrors here. Last week I had a cold. Saturday night at midnight I came down with a fast, terrible case of mastitis. Women really do have it so much worse. Why is this? Isn't it bad enough that we have to be pregnant and we have to give birth and then nurse the children? But we also have to endure hellish breast infections that give you a fever, headache from hell and nausea (my old friend) as well as making your boob hurt like the devil. And said boob is constantly getting leaned on by your two year old as he climbs all over you repeatedly.Thank goodness I talked to my friend Liz on Sunday morning and she told me to call the doctors office and not to pass go. Directly to the drugs. And once again pharmaceuticals saved the day. The RN on duty at my doctor's office on Sunday said she would call in the prescription after she got out of church. Church? Wouldn't Jesus want her to stop my suffering immediately rather than go back into church. So I called the Target pharmacy and begged Byron, who answered the phone, to call me AS SOON AS IT GOT IN. And then I stared at the clock. And the clock refused to move. Once I FINALLY got the drugs at 2:30 in the afternoon and gulped them down I could feel them starting to work. God bless the pharmaceutical industry. So yesterday I spent the day trying to get my strength back. And then last night it arrived. The sore throat which is always an indicator a new cold is coming. Somebody PLEASE save me.