The Sickness

Ben has been sick the past couple of days with some sort of stomach thing and he has been MISERABLE. Which of course means that I have been miserable too. He just wants me and no one else, so not much has gotten done in the way of work or keeping the house clean. The house is officially a disaster zone. I expect the health department to bang down our doors any moment now. Today I finally have a bit of a break because Ana is here and he seems to find her an acceptable (if not preferable) substitute. And the puking seems to have stopped. I still can't get the smell of curdled milk out of my nose.At the doctor's yesterday I was asking our pediatrician what I could give him and she misunderstood and thought I wanted to heal him, so she explained it was a virus, nothing we could do, yada yada. I then explained to her that all I wanted to do was drug him so he would sleep. Then she got it and suggested Benadryl. Sweet, sweet Benadryl.