Facebook Revisted

So I still think Facebook is really cool. I love it for being able to look up people I have lost touch with and seeing what they are up to. But it has also started to remind me of junior high lately. I want to know what people are doing, but I don't need to know what they say to people other than me. Do you know what I mean? And I don't need to know who their latest 'friend' is either. It's a little bit like googling an ex. You want to know what has happened to them, but you don't want to know TOO much. It also reminds me of big brother, as if it knows everything I do or say (of course because I have let it). Here is where my more paranoid side comes out.I can be sucked into any sort of gossip or melodrama. This is one of the reasons I choose not to work in offices or with other people (other than clients, of course). Because next thing you know my energy has been zapped by thinking about whether Suzie Q and Janey R WERE talking about me when I walked into the room and they immediatley stopped talking. And then I am not sleeping at night because I am worried that what I said to David R is going to be misunderstood or misinterpreted and then he will be mad at me and tell everyone not to like me. I can so easily revert to my twelve year-old self. The one who was on the party line (if you are under 40 you probably have NO idea what this is, but it was definitely a precursor to Facebook) and someone told me that Susie Rivo and Carolyn Jones were bad mouthing me on the line. And here I was thinking they were my best friends. Yes, it HAS been one of THOSE weeks. Maybe this is one of those situations where it is just me. Do I need to go back to therapy again? I mean, I am a very self-confident, self assured and empowered person. That is, I am when I am the only person in the room.