
Happy 5th Birthday Ben!

When Ben was just one month old I took the photo below of him and it is one of my all time favorites. So at my behest, Ben and I recreated that photo this morning on the event of his fifth birthday. I am not a perfect mother, but in my favor, I did remember your birthday on the right day this year. I love you baby. Bookmark and Share

iphone iphone iphone

The iphone is the obsession at our house these days. The boys want to be playing on it constantly--especially Sam. He loves doing puzzles on it. I let him play on it, but I try to limit him, which is a tough proposition. It has gotten so bad that I cannot even use my phone in front of him because he starts screaming that he wants it. I have created a monster. Bookmark and Share


Lately I am tired. Tired of being in front of the computer all of the time. So I have started shooting more film and sending it to the lab. And when I am shooting digital I am looking to get my shots as close to perfect in camera as possible. But they have always needed some tweaking. The exposure is always a little off etc. Two days ago I picked up the camera and these came out. They are not perfect by any means, but I did not post process them at all. Not one single adjustment. They are straight out of my 5D MKII and I LOVE them. Bookmark and Share

New Year's Eve at the Park

On New Year's Eve day we went hung out with Katherine and James and their kids as well as Lillia. Lillia's mom had just had a baby AND eye surgery to boot so we took her one day to give mom a bit of a break. We all had a great time together and it was a beautiful day. I LOVE the shots that Katherine took of the boys and I as well as the one of the three adults racing to see who could find a lunch solution the fastest on their cell phones. Bookmark and Share