
The Creek

Almost every week day, after dropping the boys at school, I take the dogs for a walk. The neighborhood the boys' school in is a really nice, old neighborhood called Hyde Park. We walk around there a bit and then head over to the creek when it is nice and hot so the dogs can swim. One day I brought my camera along and the fisheye lens I had rented and took some photos.

The Bare Naked Doggies

Yep. We did it. We had the dogs shaved for summer. And the groomer put these funny little scraves on them afterwards. Oh the humiliation level was HIGH. Sierra and Lula seem okay with it but Tucker won't show his face around these parts anytime soon. Park? I can't go to the park looking like THIS! I am NAKED!And ewww! Look how gross our carpeting is. Can we PLEASE get hardwood floors now Josh?

The Prisoner

_MG_7422.jpgTucker is currently on a leash that is wrapped around my waist. He is no longer allowed to be unsupervised for even a minute. I have had it with the marking in the house and am finally dealing with it. At least for now. Let's see how long I last. But for the time being he is incarcerated with no possibility of parole.