

Every day I think that today is the day I am going to catch up and get organized and become super productive woman and every day I don't. I could so easily spend the next hour compiling a blog entry, but I will try to be good. So I have nothing today except a little photobooth photo we took a few weeks ago. We actually got all four of us in the booth (although Sam looks mighty smooshed). And don't worry. I am sure I will be back to procrastinating tomorrow.

Hostess With the Leastest

I have many strengths. Hosting is not one of them. I make a damn fine and appreciative guest, but not so good with returning the favor. But after almost a year of showing up at people's houses, I decided that it was finally my turn to buck up and have some O'Mamas over. After I got to Austin I joined a group called 'The Other Mothers' (could I join any other type of mom's group). Many of my good friends in Austin I met through this group and I am so grateful for it. So I decided to host a mom's night in. I thought of two of my favorite things, photobooths and alcohol, and that was my theme. I called it the 'Boozing Booth'. So here are the results. I think they are pretty fun.The gang:

Sara jumping:

Tanya and Jenni:

Sara was SO much fun:

Here she is loving on the Tucker Man:

Even baby Alex was not safe from the booth, but DAMN he is cute!

Christen wins most creative:

The beautiful Jasmine:

Jasmine and Sara show what they look like when they are REALLY drunk:

Newbie Stephanie:

Miss Heather:

And everyone back together again:

More Photo Booth

I kept meaning to post these from months ago and never did. I decided to date them and that's when I noticed they were both on 'holidays'. Guess that's how we celebrate. We go to the photo booth. We are wild and crazy that way. Notice the heart on Sam's sweater for Valentine's Day. I knitted that sweater for Ben when he was in my belly and all I could do was puke and knit. Ah, those were the days.