
Liam Turns Two

It was Liam's brithday party on Sunday at Butler Park. The boys had a blast and could hardly believe their good luck in having cupcakes two days in a row. I love the shots of Miss Mia discovering she has a leaf in her mouth. Bonnie Berry is an Austin, Texas child, family and wedding photographer.


Sam is sleeping and Ben is playing his video game. I should be working, but what am I doing instead? Processing photos from our bowling adventure with the O'Mamas this morning. We had a great time. Especially Ben who hogged the ball and the lane and kept saying "I won!" after every ball he bowled. And big thanks to Jennifer who held and watched Sam the entire time so I could take pictures. Bonnie Berry is an Austin, Texas child, family and wedding photographer.

Miss Sara

My dear friend Sara is an amazing person and a wonderful massage therapist as well as a practitioner of craniosacral therapy. She has just opened her own practice and you should definitely check her out. I had the privilege of taking headshots for her site as well as designing the actual website. Here are some of the shots that did not make the site, but that I love. Especially the first one. Bonnie Berry is an Austin based child, family and wedding photographer.

Visiting With Mia and Tanya

This is the beginning of my attempt to catch up with some personal photos. These are from a few weeks ago when Tanya and Mia came over for a visit. Little Mia is really becoming a little girl and is no longer the toddler she was when I first met her. I had such a good time taking photos of her in this day. I also brought out my film 35mm and medium format so once I get those processed you may see more from this visit. Those will probably be ready in 2010. One of my New Year's resolutions is to get out the film cameras more often. So we will see. For now, here is digital Mia. Bonnie Berry is an Austin based child, family and wedding photographer.

Orion Turns One

On Thanksgiving morning we went to our friend Sara's mom's house because her son Orion was turning one. They had the best birthday party and we couldn't ask for better weather. Sara's mom Linda was out of control with the games, food, decorations. I told her that I want her to be my kids' Austin grandmother. And you should have seen Sam with that cupcake. I wish I had a video camera. He was rolling around on it like a cat with catnip. He made his mama so proud that he is a sugar fiend just like me. Bonnie Berry is an Austin based child, family and wedding photographer.

Chocolate and Champagne

On Monday night I went out for a mother's night out with my fellow O'Mamas. We had chocolate fondue and champagne. Nothing better. I paid the price by waking up the next morning with the stomach flu. By the time I was staring to feel right again, Ben started throwing up. Oy! Let's just hope Sam and Josh are immune. Although the fact that Sam has been taking his morning nap for about 2.5 hours so far has me suspect. I also hope I did not infect baby Emerson (seen below). She is such a doll. Bonnie Berry is an Austin based child, family and wedding photographer.

Tanya's Big Suprise

Tanya thought her birthday was over, but our friend Andrea and her husband Darryl had other ideas. They hosted a surprise party for her. The best part was that Tanya was about an hour late to her own party. This meant that I sat on the stairs with my camera and flash in hand waiting for her to get there so that I could capture her arrival. Luckily Sara, Anjalika, Leah Ann, Courtney, Melanie and others kept me company while we drank beers on empty stomachs which led to much raucous laughter. When Tanya finally arrived she did it with her usual aplomb. She came in and immediately went right back out and shut the door and then repeated the gesture. I love her. Here are some pics of the celebration, which was a good time even if Tanya missed half of her own party.

The Girlz

Last night we hosted a little glamorama for moms night. A bunch of my fellow O'Mamas came over and got all dolled up and we took some photos. Since I know they are chomping at the bit to see some, I thought I would post a little teaser shot from the beginning of the evening. Much more to come and boy is it sexy.


The mom's group I belong to here in Austin (which is now called the O'Mamas but was originally 'The Other Mothers' which I liked better) celebrated its first birthday. So what did we do? What any self respecting mother would do. We left the kids at home and went out and drank. A lot. And we gave out funny awards. I won two awards that basically said that you could find me at the next shindig by looking for the one who is drunk and badly dressed.

Hostess With the Leastest

I have many strengths. Hosting is not one of them. I make a damn fine and appreciative guest, but not so good with returning the favor. But after almost a year of showing up at people's houses, I decided that it was finally my turn to buck up and have some O'Mamas over. After I got to Austin I joined a group called 'The Other Mothers' (could I join any other type of mom's group). Many of my good friends in Austin I met through this group and I am so grateful for it. So I decided to host a mom's night in. I thought of two of my favorite things, photobooths and alcohol, and that was my theme. I called it the 'Boozing Booth'. So here are the results. I think they are pretty fun.The gang:

Sara jumping:

Tanya and Jenni:

Sara was SO much fun:

Here she is loving on the Tucker Man:

Even baby Alex was not safe from the booth, but DAMN he is cute!

Christen wins most creative:

The beautiful Jasmine:

Jasmine and Sara show what they look like when they are REALLY drunk:

Newbie Stephanie:

Miss Heather:

And everyone back together again:


I played Mexican bingo last night at my friend Tanya's house with some of the 'Other Mothers'. We had SO MUCH FUN. I can't remember the last time I laughed so hard. Well, okay, it was the last time I was drinking with Tanya, but still. Lately, I have been feeling so blessed in our move to Austin. I have met such fabulous people and really feel welcome here in a way that I could not have foreseen. It is just such an amazing place and I have made some dear friends. I feel so lucky. I AM so lucky.

Greyson Turns Two

My dear friend Melanie's little boy turned two a couple of weeks ago and I STILL haven't posted the pics. So here they are. Maybe by his next birthday I will be able to consistently spell his name correctly. For some reason I can never remember if it's G-R-E-Y or G-R-A-Y. Oh well. Every relationship needs a little bit of mystery. Look how much he has changed since we first met him: • - - - • - - - • - - - • - - - • - - - • - - - • - - - • - - - • - - - • - - - • - - - • - - - • - - - • - - - • - - - • - - - • - - - • - - - • - - - • - - - • And this ones goes out to Tanya and her family who have had a rough week. Remember who loves you baby!

Texas Hold 'Em

I had a blast the other night playing poker once again at the fabulous Tanya's house. Here are some of the pics from the festivities. Please note that the destruction of the beer bottle label was all Melanie (get that girl some valium). There is even a rare photo of yours truly taken by Melanie. I have no idea what I am doing to that beer bottle. Even Tanya's daughter Mia partook in the games and had to be dragged from the table to bed. Who can blame her? She just wanted to hang with the girls._MG_6537_5D_0208.jpg _MG_6534_5D_0208.jpg _MG_6486_5D_0208.jpg _MG_6448_5D_0208_bw.jpg _MG_6471_5D_0208.jpg _MG_6433_5D_0208.jpg _MG_6513_5D_0208.jpg _MG_6497_5D_0208.jpg _MG_6509_5D_0208_bw.jpg _MG_6532_5D_0208.jpg _MG_6395_5D_0208.jpg _MG_6427_5D_0208.jpg